It’s not all about the money
I work fulltime, and yet I get to pick my kids up from school at least two days a week. I work most of my week in the buzz of our Grey St office and the balance of it in the silence of home. My home days change according to what’s happening at work (client…
Read MoreTime to pay employees their worth
This month, a survey came out which validated what many of us have known for some time: housing in Tauranga is crazy expensive. In fact, Tauranga is now the least affordable place to buy a home in New Zealand – and among the least affordable in the world. The latest instalment of the comprehensive Demographia…
Read MoreNosy? Us?
When our Tauranga recruitment agency interviews candidates for jobs in regional New Zealand, they’re usually expecting to discuss their career wins, relevant experience and salary aspirations. But that’s not where we start. Before anything else, we want to know what their situation is. Why are they looking at moving? What sports, facilities or clubs are…
Read MoreIf your employees are leaving for the lifestyle and relative affordability of the regions, maybe you should join them?
Moving your business to Tauranga is no small consideration. The upheaval, the cost, the hours spent establishing new relationships. And yet, more and more companies are doing just that. The Bay of Plenty’s innovative Priority One economic development agency has followed its determined business attraction strategy since its inception in 2001, and in a targeted…
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